Succulents are my favorite plant to grow - and my favorite plant to paint. I'll spend +100 hours or more lovingly layering paint to create these luminous beauties. (And more than one of my succulent designs had the honor of being displayed in galleries in Columbus, Ohio!)
Purple + Green Succulents
Life as an ex-pat - especially in a country with a different language you can't speak - is no joke. It is HARD. And my coping of choice is painting watercolors.​
I clocked in +100 hours and more than 3 layers of paint on this photorealistic piece - and I did it in just one hour a day. Incredibly, it took me less than 4 months to create this behemoth at that pace.
Someday, once I get a better feel for the galleries here in Israel, I'll find a gallery show to submit this to, just like I used to do in Ohio. For now - I'll just enjoy it in my personal collection.
Iridescent Succulents
This was ​by far my largest (and most ambitious) piece to date when I started painting this back in 2018. And I finished it just in time to (successfully) submit it to Galleries on High's juried Hit the Hop show.
To my delight, the piece was displayed in their gallery in September of 2018 - and Ido was able to see it, and the rest of the show, during a visit to the States (during our long-distance dating stage).
The original was displayed in multiple galleries in Columbus, Ohio. And now it hangs in my home.